‹Behind the Scenes›

Here is a small documentation of how I apply design thinking into the creation of this microsite.

Step 1: Empathise

Who are the target audiences? What is it that they want to know? What is the purpose of this site?

Potential recruiter:
  • Know more about who I am and whether I am suitable for the job
    • Any past work experiences?
  • Contact details and other platforms that I am on
  • Having to go through multiple candidate portfolios can cause weariness
  • A representation of myself
  • A place for others to get to more about me

Step 2: Define

Analysing information gathered from step 1 to define problems that need to be solved, and what should be prioritised:

  1. Portfolio should represent who I am and demonstrate the technical and soft skills I possess as these are some factors potential recruiters look for when searching for a suitable job candidate.
  2. Portfolio should be simple and easy to navigate around as recruiters are often fatigue after looking through numerous portfolios.

Step 3: Ideate

Problems defined previously served as the anchor on how the portfolio should be designed and the types of features required:

Firstly, how can the audiences know more about my technical and soft skills?
  • Exhibit past projects
    • Information like the technologies used for each project and the links to both the repository and live site should be included
  • A table that display all technical skills
    • To be found on the main landing page
  • Link audiences to other platforms that they can find me on
    • Took inspiration from social buttons that can be found on many sites that brings users to their social media platforms
    • Platforms to be included: LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter
Secondly, how can I represent myself through the portfolio?
  • Using customised fonts and hand-drawn illustrations to give a personal touch to the portfolio
  • Using of rounded corners to excude a welcoming and harmonious energy
    • for elements like buttons, borders, etc
  • Create a colour palette that can create a brand identity
    • Having blue as the primary colour (my favourite color)
    • Should include some shades of orange to excude playful and positive energy
Prototype draft of website
Final colour palette of the portfolio.
Thirdly, how should the portfolio be structured so that it's easy to navigate through?
  • Past projects can be displayed in a card form to create an organised structure that is easy to understand
  • as the portfolio consists of multiple subpages, there should be a way to inform users about the page they are at
Ideation map placed beside a notebook
Ideation mindmap built from the problems defined previously.

Step 4: Prototype

  • Sketches were created to explore the different ways of displaying information
Prototype draft of website
Layout ideas of every sub-page of the microsite.
  • A low-fidelity prototype was then drawn to test out feasibility of the design
Prototype draft of website
Low-fidelity prototype of the final layout.

Step 5: Test and Implementation

Continuous testing done throughout the building of portfolio to ensure its usability

Some items that were only implemented after the implementation phase include:
  • "Home" tab on the navigation bar that allows users to return to the landing page easily
  • "Return to top" button as a shortcut for users to go back to the top of the page if they want to explore other sub-pages